Who was expecting Thor 2 to be really good because of Avengers and Captain America etc?
It wasn't.
It was better than Iron Man 2 and Captain America 2 but it really wasn't worth the effort. From the moment that it started i knew that it wasn't going to be worth the effort. Sometimes storylines from the start scream out at you and when it goes on about some ugly looking guy called Malakith i just sighed. This was just another film about revenge that was trying to give Thor his own story away from Avengers but it just didn't really happen.
There wasn't enough drama, enough logic to it, there wasn't anything to give it a boost or a push from the start.
I take my hat off to the performances of each of the cast because in their own way they were all outstanding, it's just that it was the wrong film to do.
I loved everything about Thor, the way that it was filmed and the sound and lighting and that is true of this film, the production team was obviously the same and so the actual filming was perfect.
Often i feel with films of this genre that there isn't enough in them, not enough to keep you on the edge of your seat or even to keep you moving. Sometimes the film just sorta, stands still in next to nothingness and that isn't anything to do with the way that it was shot, it's just to do with the way that the script was written and the film was directed. There is a time for those moments and it's at the end of the film and not really before.
I do apologise because i am not trying to turn this into a rant but i get the feeling that this is what it has turned in to. Thor fans don't be too disheartened by it, the actors are great and there is potential to make more films but having had Thor refuse the throne i'm not sure where they will go. Who knows, it could be an exciting part of Thor history that we are soon about to witness!
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