Saturday 21 March 2015

The Incredible Hulk

I feel that i should just point out for those loyal followers that I actually watched Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy yesterday and so I haven't actually watched 4 films today- i do have other things to do with my life than just watch films and blog about them.

I turned my eye on The Incredible Hulk to complete the Marvel trilogy of the Avengers. This film was originally done with Eric Banna and it is that version that i had seen. I wanted to see who was better- Ed Norton or Eric Banna. I know that really we are all waiting for them to start making Hulk films with Mark Ruffalo but until they do that then I will just have to review this film.

My siblings aren't huge fans of it. I don't know what their problem with it is. I enjoyed The Incredible Hulk, yes there was this feeling from the start that you could predict what was going to happen at the end and that you could predict most of the story but being predictable isn't always a bad thing- it's how you handle being predictable that makes or breaks a film.
Personally i felt that they had handled it well. I have slightly reserved feelings towards Liv Tyler but I was genuinely impressed with her in this film. I have a tendency to think of her only as the damsel in distress but this was not entirely a role like that for her. Her father is the general and refused to listen to her but she was hardly the damsel, more just a side character that pulled the strings and kept things ticking over nicely.
Edward Norton plays the part well, maybe not as well as Mark Ruffalo but still very well. He doesn't quite look as fierce as Ruffalo but even so, he has more of a doctor look about him. When the film starts he has already had his accident and yet it's hard to believe that someone that skinny can pull off turning into something so huge but even so, the transformation looks fairly realistic even if you never quite see it because they cover the shot with smoke or something of the like.

There's action enough in the film and science enough in the film. I don't know why people don't like it. It's not gripping but it ticks over nicely and explains why it is the Hulk ends up far away and learning to control his anger etc. This film explains enough if you are like me and watched the Avengers Assemble before the Incredible Hulk.

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