Sunday 22 March 2015

The Film that all the children were talking about... in 2011

How to Train your Dragon is the film that all the kids were talking about. Book sales must have risen spectacularly thanks to the production of that film. Children would talk dragoneese and class teachers would read it to the children at the end of the day before home time and when i was working in the classroom i had to admit that i had never seen the film and had no idea what they were talking about.

A few years on and i have decided to see what they hype was all about. I have to admit that i loved the film, it had a 'brave' feel to it in more than just the accents. I have to admit that I have a soft spot for toothless, he really won me over.

I actually really enjoyed it. The film flowed a lot more than i have come to expect with animated films and more importantly, it didn't have any songs in it!
I found it easier to watch than Brave, more enjoyable and i would probably say that this film is actually better than Brave but i know that there are so many people out there that would disagree with me, however, it was a really nice way to start the morning off.

They made a sequel to it and part of me is hoping that it will be like despicable me and despicable me 2 which are the only animated films so far that have managed to both be really good and almost on a par with another.

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