Then the dad tells them that they are going to move to New York or somewhere much bigger than where they are now so that he can continue to provide for the family which means that they all have to say goodbye to the people that they fancy but not before they have been to the last dance.
It's one of those films which reminds you of the importance of family. When your date can't get his suit cleaned or your date is unavailable you can always rely on your brother and grandfather to take you to the dance. If you really want to go to the dance and don't care about the appearance or what other people will think because you are just there to have a good time then it doesn't matter who you go with and this film shows you that much.
It is a musical, it does have a hit song 'Meet me in St. Louis' which is rather catchy but I can't remember all the words so I just have the chorus part stuck in my head all the time. A lot of old fashioned musicals only really have one hit song in them but they have a simple plot and some great moments and that is what musicals are about, the dancing, the singing and the story in itself, one part is not more important that the other parts.
Hopefully the last Christmas film 'The shop Around the Corner' will feature in a few days, after the wedding has passed and I have time to do important things like read back over my essays and watch more films.
If you are a lover of musicals then you should be watching this one as well. I have a nice collection of musicals but there aren't as many as I would like and there are always so many better than decent old musicals out there to be found.