Stallone is back. The good news is that I am coming up to the end of my film list- I think that I have about 10 films left that were actually on the list and that is good because it means that by the end of the week I should be good to go and can just watch films for fun.
Hopefully this is the last Stallone film on the list for this year because I am actually not his biggest fan. Can't see the hype around him, he's another Schwarzenegger type guy in that he is the same in everything that he does but he is moody, grouchy, grunts a lot and is strong and particularly unattractive so he is ideal for this role. No emotion, no, anything really.
Lovely scenery, great music, shame that it was starring Stallone. A typical eighties action film. Little emotion or quality but some great music and some fantastic acting from the teenager who comes up against him. Stallone can't even look angry and that is a real shame- like seriously? Show something!

The film itself is actually quite boring. They made more than one of these films but it's basically another Die Hard film- hardly any plot and even less acting. A forest, a guy with a gun and a knife and a lot of idiotic police officers and that's the entire plot. Just because the poster will often pop up on movie quiz's it may be one to become familiar with but it's not one that should actually be added to your film list any time soon.
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