If you are looking for a review or a post about world of warcraft films or other films with parts of this name in the title then please go elsewhere.
Dominic Cooper is the only name that I recognised from this starting lineup and often that doesn't matter but in this case, for this film it probably says a lot about the film. Normally the online scores from other websites or ratings from reviewers can serve as a good indication for a film, yes that doesn't necessarily mean that you will dislike a film that they disliked but it can serve as a good indicator. I knew from the opening sequence of this film with CGI that looked a little half-assed and runescape esq that it had the potential to be better than it was going to be. Just to throw this out now, I am not a Warcraft fan- never really stumbled across it or took the time to get in to it but I am not a hater. I can follow the plot for this film and work with it.
So speaking of the plot I found myself asking the ever dreaded question 'why?' throughout this film. A fight between Orcs and other races has been seen in movies before so what is it that is going to make you feel particularly compelled to go and see this film more than just for example sitting down and watching The Lord of The Rings (which I love)? I guess that in all films I look for something that is original and whilst I am aware that it is practically impossible to have a completely original idea and even harder to make an original film if there is nothing in your film that is different and new then why are you making it? Avatar was Pochahontas in blue with ground-breaking new technology, There was nothing original about the plot but the way that they filmed it was completely new. Is there anything new about Warcraft? No.
When I was watching it at times I felt that frustration that I often get from watching Once Upon A Time. The plot shouldn't have been similar but it was and that's bad because there is already more than enough Once Upon A Time and we DON'T need anymore in this world.
Apart from all those criticisms I have a fantastic ability to enjoy most films and I actually did enjoy watching this film, I just didn't really see anything that was spectacular in it and by this point in the year and with so few films left I really want things that are going to make me either rave on about them in a good way or in a bad way and this film did neither.
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