Tom Cruise is almost perfect in the role- he's not 6'4 but apart from that he is fantastic and the Jack Reacher that can be imagined from the books. Now I am told that this film is like the twentieth book in the series and not book two which is a little sad but I guess that as proven by James Bond you can't actually really afford to make twenty films of books that have been written in a series successfully as Tom Cruise will not continue being in his 40's forever.
No Jai Courtney this time and no real relevance to the first film except that if you have watched it then you will be familiar with his style of fighting and you will know exactly what to expect from Cruise and from the film. Cobie Smulders is the leading woman in this case and she is slightly better than Rosamund Pike in terms of her character but then again they are completely different in every way. Her character was strong enough but at times I felt like she was being beaten a little too easily for a Major in the army. I know that she is a woman but she could be stronger if they had wanted her to be. There will always be characters like Reacher who are supposed to be stronger than everyone else but when she is just fighting henchmen of the main villain then she should have a license to be stronger but that isn't really a criticism of Cobie Smulders, that is a criticism of the director and crew who decided to make the character weaker than she should be.
What you can enjoy about Jack Reacher is the knowledge that no matter how often the enemy thinks that they have him, they don't. It's that simple and it makes it nice and easy to watch the film, you're never worried and even if you are supposed to think that he is dead part of you just doubts it, not hopes, knows that there is no chance of that. James Bond never died, not matter how many times they tried to kill him he never actually died and that is going to be the same thing with Reacher- one day, in a few novels time when the author has decided to call it a day he will either pick a fight that he can't win because he is physically too old or he will die of old age.
They have tried to spice it up and the woman playing 'Samantha' just grew on you more and more. Danika Yarosh is a name to look out for- she is one for the future if she continues to make good choices about her career because she has got talent in abundance.
This film is worth watching and worth acquiring as soon as you can because it is one that you will watch over and over again when the time is right. It's the right kind of action to fit most moods.

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