The first thing that I have to write is that his mission Vinyl is destructing in five seconds and yet he has time to watch his secretary be shot in the head whilst trying to punch his way out of the glass box he is in? That was the longest five seconds I have ever seen! Within the first ten minutes the criticisms are already falling thick and fast- doesn't bear well for the rest of the film. The impossible stunts and the clearly overpowering enemies that Tom Cruise is up against says a lot about the film. He is out of his league and he knows it yet they make impossible stunts to give him a chance- he's past playing this character- younger men would beat the hell out of him, he's never been the 'Jack Reacher' character that people try to make him out to be, he's not got the physicality for it and it is time for him to stop.
I am trying to look past all the criticisms that could be made of this film and focus on the good bits like the Vienna Opera- the scenery, the music, the dress code- it was all lovely. Now we are in 2015 (or 2016) and we can show great scenery, filmed in quality with something that makes it fantastic. If the rest of the film were to be absolute crap the film would still just about pull through for the opera scene. Watching the realistic scene of attempting to assassinate the chancellor of Austria is worth it because it is actually realistic.
If you can't enjoy that then you can enjoy Simon Pegg telling Tom Cruise where to get off. He's more than the techy, he's a field agent with serious cyber skills who is more than capable of beating up most enemies. It would be good to bet against Tom Cruise in a fight but I am still not sure that Simon Pegg could it but it would be nice if they were to fight in this film. You can also enjoy Pegg creating impossible tasks for Cruise to perform and then the look of bewilderment on Cruise's face when he realises that holding his breath for three minutes whilst physically exerting himself to the highest extremes was impossible. Finally, five films on and he has realised that the things that they do in these films are so impossible that no one believes that his character can actually do that stuff.
Ethan Hunt is a character like James Bond- one of the worst spies around because everyone, in any agency around the world knows who they are and what they look like. No stupid masks this time which have become a norm for these films but it wouldn't matter because everyone is as used to them as they are to actually seeing Tom Cruise's face. He can't pull off going undercover because he is too well known and a mask is expected so people prepare for that. This wouldn't be a M.I film if they didn't at least try to do the stupid things so we get to enjoy watching Cruise fail in his attempt, or as always, unrealistically not fail in his attempt and pull off the physically impossible. We've stuck with these films this far so we might as well keep going- he was so close and we were so close to getting really bored.
When he fails there is always a somewhat relatively attractive woman to help him out and save him from certain death. A waste of time but it wouldn't be a M.I film if the beautiful woman didn't get a chance to take off her clothes and make love to him- like in all James Bond films. The double crosser that she is, is the reason as to why Jeremy Renner and a few others are still in the film and being paid. Nothing will be quite as good as M.I 1 but they had to try. If you are a fan you will watch all of these films but if you are not then don't bother yourself with the hassle- like with Die Hard you have seen it all before.
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