I tried really hard to not watch this film when it came out just because i didn't want to have endless conversations about Frozen with a bunch of children. So then my friend made me watch it anyway just to spoil the hard earned reputation that I had received.
So what was my verdict?? I couldn't see what the hype as about. Yes, at times it was funny and had everything there to make it a good film. The music was good and they didn't try to make anything too ridiculous which is always great but for me it just wasn't as good as The Lion King or Beauty and the Beast which are and always will be classics. There is so much more that they can do with technology now then what they could do then and at times i feel like directors and producers get too carried away with it instead of going for the thing that makes a fantastic movie which is a great script. Unfortunately the story of the ice queen is actually really boring and predictable. Yes- you will all tell me that it is a kids film for kids and that all children loved this film. It did it's job but it wont have what other classics such as those mentioned above and Peter Pan have which is the ability to make adults cry and love them as well. I'm not a parent, so it is not a film that I am going to watch over and over again on loop and to be honest that is kind of a shame because some of the best Disney films are films that anyone of any age group can watch time and time again.

The best thing that they did was getting Idina Menzel to voice Elsa and sing Let It Go. The Original that was written for Demi Lovato is actually a huge pile of rubbish and they made the best call of the film by allowing Menzel to sing it in the film.
I think that I will have sparked some controversy with this post and that makes me happy. I just wanted to do it to end the year because in the two years that I have been writing this blog I have had one comment and I kinda want more from the people that read this blog. It makes it easier to write if I know that someone else is going to share their views and maybe disagree with what I have said.
I haven't finished compiling a list for next year so if you have a favourite film that wasn't on either of the previous challenge lists (all lists are at the bottom of the blog) then please comment on this post of message me either on facebook or twitter (all links are on the blog somewhere).
See you next year!