Sunday 30 August 2015

Lone Star

Wasn't sure what to make of this one. When it started off I was worried that it was going to become one of those typically american sheriff gang films but it turned out not to be.

I like the idea that the sheriff didn't like his father and was trying to discover the truth about his father who had previously been the sheriff but apart from that i found it very boring. There was nothing in it to really keep me interested. I think that this film must have been on empires top 500 films because i can't think why i would have put it on the list otherwise.

The plot itself has potential, it was just driven in a way that made it boring and kinda the same thing that you've seen at least ten times before. There was nothing in this film that made it stand out and feel different or special, the acting was mind blowing and the music wasn't great. This was another mediocre film, good enough and probably at the time considered to be very good and make a lot of money but now it can be considered as nothing more than ok.

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