Pearl Harbor- the film that most people will acknowledge as being terrible, yet there are those sacred few that actually think that it contributed something to the film world (they liked it). A three hour long film staring Ben Afleck? Even when he was younger and somewhat attractive that should never have been on the cards. What people see in him is a little hard for me to understand- he never had the charisma to be a solid leading man or hero in a film. A film that long needs to be packed with more than just action. Romance needs to be top notch and it wasn't, plot needs to revolve around more than just your leading Lad and Lady.
To pick apart the flaws in this film would take more time than anyone should actually be prepared to admit that they have. If you liked this film then I am sorry that you have stumbled across this post. The only decent film that I have seen Ben Afleck perform well in to-date is Daredevil. Maybe it was something about his accent in this film or just the fact that I saw nothing that really moved me but I do feel that the best he ever performed was when he was playing a character that couldn't see anything and so the emotions and portrayal of the character had to be done differently. That was a challenge, one that he rose too but actually it said a lot about it- he should have made his living being in films about disabilities because when he has to do something more than look good and fall in love with a beautiful woman he can act, when he doesn't, he can't.
Kate Beckinsale has a better career than displayed in this film. It's not that she was bad, she was probably the pick of the bunch but this film being what it was is probably one that she would prefer to pretend didn't happen. I am waiting for someone to comment with 'Van Helsing?' but I actually really liked that film. Hugh Jackman was brilliant and the transformations were epic so please don't bother with that. Underworld is a fantastic launch to reignite her career- she has a lot going for her at the moment. She didn't rise to the same fame that Ben Afleck did from this film (at least not enough to get mentioned in the song) and that has worked well for her.
Everything about Pearl Harbor seemed distant and almost unreal. Films based on something this historical are supposed to be emotional but also relate-able and I couldn't relate to this film, it didn't bring me to tears or even really spark any emotion in me and that is a shame.
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