Most people that have seen this film would probably say that it did break the mold, it didn't try too hard and that it was funny, funny enough to justify the making of a second film. The plot is simple- a bachelor party involving 4 guys, the one that is getting married, one that is married, one who seems to be weird in every way and one that is in a completely unhealthy relationship. Looking at them all lined up you just knew that everything was going to wrong. There were no surprises to this film, it was just hard to predict which stupid things were actually going to happen.
A tiger stolen from Mike Tyson, a stolen police car, the groom on the roof, drugs miss- sold as ecstassy, was anything going to go right? Normally with a film like this, a film that is designed to continually go wrong, to get more complicatedly wrong, I would bury my head in my hands within the first twenty minutes, sigh a lot and probably stop watching it out of boredom but I didn't do that with this film. Why? I honestly don't know the answer to this film. I guess it didn't appear that it was trying it's hardest to make you laugh. I didn't laugh at all through it so that probably helped. At times i did wonder why they couldn't just do something right and get on with going to the wedding but then this was the way that the writers wanted it, it wasn't necessary what I wanted but we can't please everyone in the world and we have to respect the difference of opinion.
Bradley Cooper has become very much himself. On paper it looked like he was taking on a different role but the performance was very similar to the one of Edward in Limitless. It was an attempt at being different but equally an attempt at just being himself. What I liked about it was that it was an attempt and not a solid performance of just turning up and saying 'hi, I'm Bradley Cooper and that is all you are going to get'.
The sun claimed that it was brilliant. I am not sure that I would agree with that. It was good but it wasn't hilarious or so fantastic that I raved about it to all my family. It was just one of those films that I watched, wrote a post about and worked its way back onto my film stand to join the other 300 films. It's not a standout film in the collection. There is work to be done and that is good. Better to see the work in progress than to see something that needs nothing doing to it- if that had been the case then the second one would have been rubbish beyond imagine.

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