The Clive Owen version of 'Taken' or rather- the film that paved the way for 'Taken'. Clive Owen steps in to save the life of a pregnant woman who give birth and is then shot whilst he is killing 50 people to save her.
One has to admire the way in which he takes on 50 people and kills them all. At times there were a few scenes in which you could have thought that some of the stunts or lack of bullets/ wounds that he takes is a little unreal but for the most part everything was just very well thought out and very well managed. At no point did he think 'I'm just gonna go in there and see how many I can kill before I get killed', he thought it out, he planned it out. From the way that every gun was positioned you could see him thinking it out, planning for every move and attack.

No emotion from him apart from the few cries of pains that he gave when various fingers were broken. Even the sex scene had no emotion from him, no love, no lust, it just looked a little boring and like it was too much effort for what it was worth. I know that it is a shooting film but actors do need to show some emotion when filming, otherwise we could have just pulled a random young man off of the streets, given him a gun and put him in front of a camera. Not everyone would be able to pull it off like Clive Owen does but without him there still would have been a film because Paul Giamatti was staring alongside him, being as fabulous and fantastic as ever and also Monica Belucci graced us with her presence and she was sublime. Clive Owen has some great lines at the end of scenes which involve him killing people with vegetables. He delivered them with no emotion and the jury is still out on how they feel about that. Watch it and you will understand why they are unsure.
The soundtrack was fantastic. ACDC, Nirvana, Motorhead, Mottleycrue, Iggy Pop and Greenday. Nothing makes a film more fantastic than a solid soundtrack that speaks volumes and accompanies every scene and movement in the film.
Not the greatest film but a passable film and one to watch when you feel the need to watch something like 'Taken'.
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