Plot- simple. The president dies and there are eight possible suspects with the perfect view. The film goes back in time to look at the events and view from the point of view and vantage point of each suspect so as to get a better idea of what happened and who did it.
A moving, heroic performance from Forest Whitaker. The man with the camera sees everything and at the same time risks his life to save a child. Denis Quaid is the hero of the film- he is supposed to be the hero that kills the bad guys and saves the day, except that he can't save the day but he can kill some of the bad guys. When he gets in the car you know that he is going to kill the guy he is after, you almost start shaking then and there. He doesn't save the life of the child but he does kill a lot of people and do his job.
Quaid is fantastic but this film was about Forest Whitaker. It wasn't about the man that manages to do his job and attempt to save the life of the president, it was about the man that ran in to the road, picked up the child and avoided the on rushing ambulance that was arriving faster than a south-west train. The moment that he says 'i'm fine' whilst fighting to hold back the tears of shock from what he is just done he stole the film, the awards (not that it won any) and everyone's praise.
The film itself was fantastic. A great build up to the ending which was a huge climax and then a fantastic but slightly predictable ending.

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