First things first, we watched it because we are Marvel lovers and Benedict Cumberbatch lovers but we weren't expecting him to play a character that in some way we hadn't seen before because Benedict Cumberbatch is a bit like Robert Downey Jr, he only (so far) plays characters that have a huge ego, are evil or are greedy. Doctor Strange definitely falls into the first category but also a little into the third category as well.
What Doctor Strange has is an awesome cape, Chiwetel Eijofor to kick him in the face every now and then, Tilda Swinton to remind him that no matter how intelligent he is there is always someone who can kick his ass and Rachel McAdams to remind him that every man needs a partner by their side to help them out. It's a team effort- not about one man and his quest for glory, one team and their quest to turn the arrogant prick into something useful in order to fulfil their quest.
Lots of imagination, lots of reference to martial arts, fire bending and few other fantasy things that we have seen from anime or other types of films and references to the avengers multiple times. I have never read the Doctor Strange comics and I didn't know anything about Doctor Strange but Marvel do have a way of combining their universe and making films that now link with all their other films. Yes, they haven't quite linked up the X-Men and the Avengers yet but they will get there and with the customary scene at the end linking together Thor and Doctor Strange they have continued their universe very successfully.
Benedict Cumberbatch is perfect for the part of Doctor Strange, his swagger and arrogance and yet somewhere underneath it all we aren't surprised because he comes across as an intelligent man. Tilda Swinton is fantastic and even more so because she constantly holds her own against many men and women. The death was inevitable but she died in honour and she was not at all overpowered or pathetic at any point. For ages I thought that she was Cate Blanchett because of her voice but then when I saw the credits I realised that it was Tilda Swinton.
Chiwetel was just fantastic. He wasn't the enemy but he does have an issue with being in sequels, he is always in films where he either dies or walks out so as to avoid being in another film. His character was different and the one who will probably be missed the most in the next film. I am looking forward to another film being made and seeing how Doctor Strange is going to become as powerful as Tilda Swinton was.
Just watch the film! Watch the adverts, get excited- the visuals are fantastic and the cape is something special so just go with it and watch it many times over and over until it stops showing at the cinema near you!