This is about the man who had it all. The man who could play the stock market, play all the other players and play most of the world but he could not play his dead uncle. So simple- your uncle dies so sell his massive estate and go back to work earning lots of money and generally being considered to be a total 'prick'. Russel Crowe with his typical 'British' accent that sounds not really anything like a 'British' accent that any normal person would have. It is entertaining to watch people that aren't actually from London try and do a London accent based on 'The Queens English'. Only the Queen and a few other people actually talk like that (Rupert Everett) and most stockbrokers don't talk like that at all. Nevertheless, accent aside, he is very good at being a total 'prick'. There isn't much to his role, just be upper class and up yourself- oh, and occasionally shag a woman who looks at you twice.

Albert Finney- nice to see him in something else that wasn't a bad attempt at playing Poirot. He was very impressive and much better than anything else that I had seen him in before. Rafe Spall, nice to see him in something else and nice to be able to compare him. Choice of costume was a little disgusting but one will assume that it was not actually his choice and let him off for wearing suits that contain pink in them.
'A Good Year' is a pleasant film. When you are bored or just want to relax in the evening then this is the type of film that you could watch. It's not a wine drinking film or a family film but it's nice to be able to watch a film for the sake of watching a film sometimes.
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