Your standard action film featuring military operatives from a special division with top quality equipment and 'The Rock'. More than enough action to go around so find someone to share it with and just enjoy it. I am now realising just how hard it is to write a review about a sequel to a film that I haven't seen if that film is not part of the 'Die Hard' or 'Mission Impossible' franchises. If I was trying to sell these films to you based on the one that I saw instead of the first film that was made then I would have to think about what this film had that would suggest that the first film was also very good.
The first thing is that as I have just proved, you don't need to have seen the first one to be able to follow this film so the plot is not dependent on the first film. The next thing to consider is the cast and how appropriate they were to their characters. When you see Dwayne Johnson getting beaten up it is unbelievable. Yes, there are people that are going to be able to lay a fist on him or a sword but it is unlikely that they are going to be able to kill him in a film or even beat him up to a significant level so seeing him in a position of authority and generally winning his fights without really getting hurt was realistic. We have to assume that casting director makes their choice for a reason so choosing to cast a wrestler as a pathetic character who constantly gets beaten up is never going to be convincing because no matter how good the acting is, their reputation proceeds them. Seeing Channing Tatum in the military is very believable, in fact, it is a wonder why he didn't chose that as a career instead of acting because he would probably be better at it than he is at acting. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate him or even particularly dislike him but the way he talks and appears all the time suggests thug or military and nothing else. Therefore it was excellent casting to continue him in this film.
The third thing is that this film isn't out and out action. They don't just beat up for the sake of it, they have a plot and it's almost like Batman met Transformers and someone took the best parts from the Christopher Nolan Batman Begins and the best part of Transformers one and mashed them up to create a movie whilst shooting small amounts of film with other characters to make a movie. If you like either of those films (or both) then you can't really go wrong with G.I Joe. Neither of those films mentioned above are out and out action, they are both pleasantly enjoyable with action to complement them so they become enjoyable.
The best character is probably Jonathan Price. I don't want to go in to too much detail because it would spoil the film but there are only a few people out there who can do what he do with so much conviction. It was a perfect cast. He was sublime in the role, I can't think of anyone else that I would want to play that role- authority and heartless nature combined with the exact opposite- exactly what was needed and so nice to see it without having to get used to typical Tom Cruise Mission Impossible mask. It's not just him, the entire cast. The kid who points a gun at the president and then says to the bodyguard 'You're not doing a very good job of protecting him if you are letting guns be pointed at him' is fantastic. Yes it was a toy gun but he has got a point.
Just watch it. Even if it isn't something that is normally your cup of tea either take a chance on the first film or take a chance on this one, sit down with a friend or someone and take the evening off, watch the film and let me know what you thought of it.
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