A little confusing at first and I have to admit that for the entire film I was slightly confused by it. At first glance it appears to be similar to 'The Martian' but the more that you get into it the more you realise that it is not at all. It's about clones and how the cost of preserving and maintaining clones of one astronaut is cheaper than that of sending a new astronaut to the space station every three years.
With a small cast and a small budget one has to admire what Duncan Jones has done with this film. Same Rockwell takes on the task of being all the 'Sams. Watching him playing a dying character on screen at the same time as a young, fresh Sam who could probably beat up anyone in his path is very entertaining and not because it was funny, it wasn't, more because there is great skill to be admired there. The overall film isn't particularly entertaining, it doesn't have the terrible music like 'The Martian' did but it did have a fantastic scene of trying to dance to Katrina and The Waves 'Walking on Sunshine' which we have to admit is a bit of a personal favourite on the blog.
The plot is to help the younger Sam to escape in the rescue pod that comes to kill them off. Older Sam realises that he doesn't have much time left and that he probably can't make it to earth so they plan it all out and he launches the rescue pod which takes younger clone Sam back to earth for him to reveal what has been going on. There isn't much around that and there aren't many magical moments or moments when you thought that it was a standout moment for the performer or scrip writer. Easy to follow but all in all quite boring.
The film did well at box office and got good reviews but it isn't an underrated film and it certainly isn't one that is worth watching time and time again. Seen it, don't regret it but don't particularly need to watch it again.
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