The first real point to be made about this film is that the soundtrack is fantastic. There is very much an 'Eminem' feel to it (anyone who is familiar with the song 'Loose Yourself' will understand but the tune played on the guitar really does work well for the film. If the film was shot in 'Film Noir' style then it would not be out of place next to 'Sin City'. No real music throughout the film but just those chords and it is the simplest and most perfect theme (alongside the Jaws theme) to have been created for a film.
What does Keanu Reeves have the Nicolas Cage doesn't? Emotion, Not loads of it, hardly any (if we are being honest) but just enough to be serious and sort of mysterious. Reeves isn't trying to be the hero who falls in love, he is trying to beat up demons and exorcise them so in this case serious works well for him. A better film choice is probably what it comes down to. He actually has the measure of the film really well and if he is that guy who is always going to be the serious guy who has to die, be strong and never fall in love then so be it, at least he understands that his career is always going to be like that.
Cate Blanchett. Can't be mistaken for any other woman in the world, it's something to do with her bone structure but there is no way that you can mistake her for anyone else in the world. As the angel Gabriel she is stunning. The plot works well for her and she is actually perfectly suited to the role. Not a massive star in the film but she is brilliant. Imagine her with wings and then watch the film to see how close your imagination was to the actual character.
This film is actually really good and you don't have to be a catholic to enjoy it. The exorcisms are more realistic than what you have seen in 'The Exorcism' and the religion is more accurate. It's a film that anyone can watch.
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