Avengers has got to be the biggest marvel enterprise probably of all time and is one of the highest grossing series of films currently. We all watched Captain America and Iron Man and Thor, maybe some of us even watched the remakes of Hulk. Avengers put the best together and it was a massive hit. I wondered about this film, if they were ever going to be able to better the first film.
I think that they did. I admit that i missed Tom Hiddleston in this film but I still loved it all the same. I've been reading the graphic novel X-men Vs Avengers and the idea of the avengers working as a team is something that is a key theme throughout the graphic novel but something that only really started to come together in the end of the first film. I wanted to see if they could make this team work- thing work because i think that we all had our doubts over Tony Stark.
There were so many brilliant lines in this film that made me laugh that i think that it outdid the previous film in that department. In this film we weren't looking for Loki to make the one-liners or for Hulk and Thor to have a battle of the arms, we were just looking for some great script writing and some good old fashioned and classic action.
I am one of those fans that is now reading the comics or the graphic novels after watching the films and understanding and enjoying the films a lot more now that i have read some of the comics. There is so much that they can do with these films is they are following the same ideas that feature in the graphic novels. This is one of the most solid seconds films to a trilogy that has even been made, it is on a par with the empire strikes back.
Normally with the second film we get this almost- nothing- like feel to it, it's just a filler to join the first film that arrived with a bang and the third and final film together but this isn't it. The first film was the platform for this film and this film is the platform for the next film which is taking a slightly different angle to it.
Everything was perfect in this film. There are so many comics that if they were to strictly follow them then they could be making films for another century but they are picking and choosing and ultimately leading up to something big and I can wait for it or for the next film!
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