Sunday 16 August 2015

Prisoners of the sun

Not quite as exciting as Indiana Jones and certainly no where near on the music front, Prisoners of the sun gave off a story line that was screaming for Harrison Ford but couldn't materialise Harrison Ford. One gets the feeling that the plot may have had the amount of action in it reduced to attempt to differentiate between Indiana Jones and this film.

John Rhys- Davies stars as the lead archaeologist in a attempt to enter a pyramid and search for something with historic meaning (you can tell that I was paying attention to the talking and prologue at the beginning). John Rhys- Davies is no Sean Connery and instantly that is who i wanted to compare him to but I will try hard not to do so anymore. There is a clever twist to his character and the way that it was written in and ultimately, portrayed by John Rhys- Davies was very clever and well done. In a film that is almost gripping at nothing, what saves it is the character development of each character. A lack of action makes it hard to continue to motivate yourself to watch the film except that you are never quite sure or convinced by the character of Rhys- Davies and so you keep forcing yourself to watch more just to discover if you were correct or not.

I wouldn't rate this film as one of the greats, the plot is easy enough to remember (all be it not accurately and descriptively) and the acting for most of the film was just about average. This film could be played as a silent movie until the last third and you would probably still be able to work out what had gone on up to that point and in my opinion that isn't always a bad thing. Often we remember films for what we see rather than what we hear (unless it is a comedy).


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