Dr. Strangelove is a film about war and how one general goes a little crazy and orders a war hit on Russia. This wasn't a film like All's quiet on the western front, there was action going on in every scene.
Peter Sellers was very convincing as German Dr. Strangelove, who advises the American president in the meetings that they have in the war room. At first I thought that Sellers must be playing the British RAF officer that is working for the crazy general but the more i watched it, the more i discovered that he was not at all and I became more impressed with him. Accents are things that many actors find difficult to hold down and a German accent is actually very difficult to keep hold of for an hour and a half but he didn't loose his accent at all.
I wouldn't put this film on the list of greats but for his versatility, Sellers is one of the greats and this film really was all about him.
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