With the beard he looks like Wolverine with half a Jack Black face. Seeing him not being completely weird is also a little weird. There's no way that he ever really passes for being undercover, he just doesn't look like a gangster or anyone other than homeless. It's not a big deal, it didn't effect his performance, Phoenix still played the part he was given well, you would never bet against him in a fight and you also wouldn't doubt that he was a drug addict, smoker, alcoholic and generally going down bad paths but unlike Donnie Brasco he can't pretend to be a high up guy in a drug ring or anything like that, he's no De Niro or Pacino. He's just a PI and it's interesting how he manages to get as far as he does looking the way that he does.

Benicio Del Toro (Goodfellas) returns to show Phoenix how to play a drug dealer or a man interested in drugs. This guy is the real mafia guy, he's the man that knows how to play these films, take the roles- this man doesn't need to be directed, he's got it all, he knows it all and in a way that is probably why Phoenix isn't managing to pull it off, you've already got that guy in their so you need something different.
Reception to this film was okay, the film went on a limited run and that explains a lot about it. Nice play from them, don't turn it in to a massive flop but at the same time realise that you have made a film that isn't going to be a hit, isn't going to be even one of those films that did well and gets a general 'yeah that was a good film' from people when it comes up in conversation. let's be honest here- this film is highly unlikely to come up in conversation because it isn't particularly memorable, the acting isn't outstanding from the lead and I will remember it because it has Owen Wilson in it and I can't stand him. It's not a film that I will watch again, I've seen it, I wasn't particularly impressed by it but I wouldn't consider it a total waste of time. Reece Witherspoon was good, she was surprising and is one of the best parts in the film. If you want to see Phoenix in something different then watch this film but if you aren't bothered by it then don't bother, don't feel compelled to watch it.
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