Out of the entire cast (who are all famous in their own rights) the only name known to us at the start was Samuel L Jackson but it wont be that way anymore. All Tarantino films are worth watching, there is no one like him out there, he manages to make films out of the most simple things and also make films out of complicated things using a lot of obvious red paint. You have to love and admire this guy, he will always be a cult hero but he manages to make fantastic films that fit in to other genres as well. Add this film to your list and make sure that you watch it- you wont be disappointed.
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Sunday, 11 September 2016
The Hateful Eight.
In need of a western or a Tarantino film? Search no further because this film is both. Originally written as a sequel to the very popular Django Unchained for a while there was a question over weather The Hateful Eight would even make it to production after the script was leaked but the readings proved popular so it was put in to production and we on the blog are thankful that it did because it would have been a shame to throw away a good film when so many terrible films are being made constantly.
Samuel L Jackson is the only name that we recognised and he takes the lead. A completely different role to any of his previous ones in Tarantino films, Samuel L Jackson is fantastic as Warren, a major who is travelling to a town in a snow blizzard. He is just one of the Eight travellers that all meet up in a travel lodge and share accommodation. Every performance from him is convincing but this is one of his best (along with Nick Furry). Kurt Russel, who has been in many things but nothing that I have seen) holds his own against Jackson and is deserving of praise. The most distrusting man in the entire film, the man who lives the shortest but the man who is not doubted at any point. His character is integral to the entire film. I know that with such a small cast you can say that all the characters are important to the film but there were a few who could have died or not been in the film and you probably would not have even noticed but not this guy, this guy was important and you would have missed him because his performance lifted the entire film to a new level.
Out of the entire cast (who are all famous in their own rights) the only name known to us at the start was Samuel L Jackson but it wont be that way anymore. All Tarantino films are worth watching, there is no one like him out there, he manages to make films out of the most simple things and also make films out of complicated things using a lot of obvious red paint. You have to love and admire this guy, he will always be a cult hero but he manages to make fantastic films that fit in to other genres as well. Add this film to your list and make sure that you watch it- you wont be disappointed.
Out of the entire cast (who are all famous in their own rights) the only name known to us at the start was Samuel L Jackson but it wont be that way anymore. All Tarantino films are worth watching, there is no one like him out there, he manages to make films out of the most simple things and also make films out of complicated things using a lot of obvious red paint. You have to love and admire this guy, he will always be a cult hero but he manages to make fantastic films that fit in to other genres as well. Add this film to your list and make sure that you watch it- you wont be disappointed.
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