Lifestyle and the philosophy behind life is really simple, no family, no love and a backpack containing your life from all your flights. George Clooney is the man chosen by big companies to be in charge of firing people and sorting out all the packages that go with being fired. It's all working well for him, he flies with the same company across America in an attempt to reach passenger milestones and as a result is known by most of the flight attendants. He is not the only one who is a frequent flyer, Alex (Vera Farmiga) is also a regular with this airline and they start a casual relationship.
Now we introduce a particular favourite on this block- Anna Kendrick, playing the part of a young graduate recently hired by the company who is supporting a new programme where the firing of staff members from a company is done via a webcam. This can generally show a lack of compassion and does not actually teach you how to deal with people when they are unhappy (as you can imagine they would be once they have been told that they are being fired) and also means that Clooney would stop having to fly around the country and therefore not reach his milestones. Kendrick is sceptical and at times a little harsh of Clooney's decision to not have a family or children so he starts to think that maybe he can start something with Alex but he is later proved wrong. 

Up In The Air claims to be a comedy, it's not and it's not even a romantic film, it's just a film about everything mentioned above. For me this film felt like it didn't quite have a category so they decided to try and label it as a romcom but it's not and that should be okay. The world of film is constantly developing and expanding, it's okay for us to be making and watching films that don't quite fit in to the typical categories that we have- time for something new. A vulgar word but this film is just a really 'nice' film. It's good enough from the cast, not special but good enough.
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