Watching Eddie Redmayne evolve and develop into a superb actor is something that any film lover would want to spend their time doing. Just like with music, if your friend has a band or if you find a small band that has potential, going to all their shows, downloading all their tracks, being a part of the musical development is often the best part of it and the pride you get from watching them turn into global stars with hit records and sell out arena shows cannot be put into words. It's the same with watching a new talent evolve. One day they are in a film as a small supporting role and you think that they have the potential to go on and raise their game to the heights of Guinness or Olivier and next you see them taking on terrible roles in terrible films and destroying their careers but not with Eddie Redmayne. Recognition started with 'Marius' in 'Les Miserables' and he was one of the outstanding performers given how rubbish the leads were. The question was if he could do anything with it so when 'The Theory of Everything' came out I think that I am right in saying that there were many people who beamed and jumped for joy because his performance was stunning in that film and we knew that this young man was going to make a lot of decent films.
A few years have passed now in between 'The Theory of Everything' and 'The Danish Girl' and upon seeing the posters and not knowing anything about it we knew that Eddie Redmayne had the right bone structure to actually pass as an acceptable woman. Some people are put off by a film about a man having the first sex change to become a woman but it is a part of our life, there are people out there who just feel wrong about who they are, it can't be helped and it is painful for them to have to go through life not being true to themselves. Feeling that you are not the right gender is similar to be a homosexual, denying it does not make anything easier for anyone. 
He is one of the most convincing woman that is really a man seen in cinema. There is more to being a woman than just putting on a dress. Redmayne is equally as attractive as a woman as he is when he is a man and the portrayal was so accurate that it was actually believable all the time. He was nominated for Best Actor but lost out (for some unknown reason) to Leo DiCaprio for his terrible performance in 'The Revenant'. This film was much better than that terrible film was. Beautiful scenery and an award for best supporting actress Alicia Vikander says enough to convince everyone that they should watch it. Doesn't matter if you don't like the topic, it is a part of your education and should help to either broaden your horizons or show everyone around you that you are ridiculously single minded and that says a lot about you.
Watch it, comment on it. This blog feels pointless because no one debates anything on it. In four years I have had one comment on this blog but over 10,00 views. Talk to me about these films, about the review, if there is something that you think we could do better... just talk to us, let us know that you are out there.
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