No James Earl James so Morgan Freeman takes on that role. Morgan Freeman is a completely different CIA head to James Earl James and that has to be respected. You can't step in to those kind of shoes and try to play the character in the exact same way as the big name before you, you have to do something else with the character to make people try and forget about James Earl Jones. In some ways a better character, more personality and character to the Morgan Freeman change.
Ciaran Hines, a good choice for the Russian President. Not many people actually can pull off both the accent and the look but he is a solid investment for this type of thing. Nice to not have the blatantly obvious Scottish accent of Sean Connery letting you down. Russian is actually not an easy accent to keep up so full credit to him for keeping it going. I guess that I am probably a little disappointed that they have gone back to the Russians as their enemy. There are other people out there who could be enemies and as this film was not a remake of the hunt for Red October then they should have changed the enemy as well.
These films are based on the Tom Clancy books so they will probably just claim that they are using the plot and the enemies from the books but I don't believe that Tom Clancy would write two books with the same plot and that someone would actually be stupid enough to turn both books into films. I am hoping that Clear and Present Danger will be very different from this film and The Hunt For Red October but it may not feature on the blog this year.
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