With Fiona Shaw and Brad Pitt in it you are thinking that it can't go wrong but just Wikipedia it, the plot is really boring. I couldn't have thought of this plot if I had taken all the drugs in the world. I find it hard to write a review on this film because the squealing from Fiona Shaw made it sound like the world was going to end combined with 28 days later, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and a few other horror movies which involve everyone being killed. To just watch a powerpoint presentation and listen to opera was a bit of a letdown after hearing that squeal. I am sure that the rest of the film is fantastic but like when watching 2001 a space odyssey, there are better things to be doing in our lives than watching paint dry.
It says a lot if the film has be turned off out of boredom because no film should ever have to be turned off before it has really started, let alone a film staring Brad Pitt and Fiona Shaw.
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