Rocky Balboa is sick and way too old to fight anymore. In 'Rocky' he made a name for himself and a reputation. Now he carries his reputation and some dark secrets and attempts to train another fighter- Creed, the son of a fighter. Michael B Jordan takes the role of Apollo Creed's son and plays the troubled yet very lovable boxer very well.

Stallone works well when he isn't the sole focus. Not spending the entire time in the camera shot has helped to hide the fact that he is a typical old action hero- a man that was always really strong, could deliver a punch, was somewhat pleasing on the eye and couldn't really act. In his age the only things that have changed is that he has got less attractive, slightly less well pleasing and may not be able to deliver as strong a punch as before but you wouldn't doubt him for a second, if Stallone offered to punch me it would not be an offer that I would take him up on.
As always, Adonis Johnson is a complex character, one that spent time in prison and foster homes after the passing of his parents. Always managing to muck up at the pivotal moment, Michael B Jordan is believing in every aspect of his character, when he's right and when he is wrong. Watching him try to outrun quad bikes and motor bikes was entertaining. As always with Rocky films, the soundtrack is incredible and used to good effect. The choice of music was superb and is always something of a unique and acquired taste that you probably wouldn't associate with action movies.
It's a boxing film- there isn't much that you can't predict in this film and if you have seen only one Rocky film you will be able to work out most of this film but predictability doesn't make it bad. If you enjoy watching or partaking in the sport then you will enjoy this film. If you don't- you won't. Don't go thinking that because Stallone isn't the main article that you will suddenly enjoy this film even though you didn't enjoy the ones before- you wont. Stick with what you know. If you haven't seen any then start at the beginning.
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