Monday 8 August 2016

Suicide Squad

Only been out in the UK for a few days, received several mixed review and massive fans of marvel disliked the film but you have to look at it for what it is- a DC film with a few big names leading the line.

We all know what Will Smith can do, we know that he will shoot up the world, act all tough and get his way as much as possible. We all saw the adverts, we all knew that there was someone else who was going to try to pull the strings but we weren't sure how far they were going to get. The answer is that they got very far, they were dominant and not afraid to show their power and control if the situation demanded it. The line of 'do your worst bitch' was fantastic. There were laughs throughout but that line was what we had been waiting for in the entire film.

Some sublime acting from all. Jared Leto probably deserves the biggest praise. After the death of Heath Ledger we were all wondering if anyone could take his place and why they would even bother to try to replace him. Jared Leto stepped up, he took the reigns, read the graphic novels, played the video games and took the Joker to another level. Half like the Ledger character and half like the Arkham character, Lego has produced something to be desired and something in demand- a new and good Joker! Harley works well with him and is a fantastic character. I look forward to seeing more of them all.

Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn was a perfect fit. I don't know much about the character of Harley Quinn but I liked her a lot in the role. The character had most of the best lines and was the one that really seemed to have the most ground for character development. We all knew that in the end she was going to escape with The Joker but she still played her part in the team and wasn't lazy or pathetic. She had to go on an insane workout schedule to play this part and she was an all around attractive character and probably my favorite character.

The best thing about it was that it resisted the temptation to do that marvel thing where they have a really long scene at the end which takes ten minutes when they could have done it in two because the end of the scene was predictable. Nothing was left for more than a minute in dramatic effect and it made it less frustrating and boring. I actually enjoyed this film a lot more than I enjoyed X-Men Apocalypse.

The Justice League has been set up for the next film.

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