Matt Damon takes the com as the chief in this operation. Teaming up with Paul Greengrass (Director of The Bourne Ultimatum and The Bourne Supremacy) he embarks on a mission to take out a sniper, capture an enemy and then complete his mission but with all military films the enemy is always more complicated and vast than you imagined when you were given the mission and the mission never quite goes to plan. We know what Matt Damon can do with a gun, we've seen the Bourne films and we have seen him in countless action films with guns so what makes this film different?
When I was watching it I kept mixing it up with War of the Worlds, it's surprising how similar these films are. Even though almost everything about them is different in terms of setting and stars the plot at times seems almost like a mirror image. When Matt Damon was having an argument with a woman in a house I actually had to check that it was Matt Damon and not Brad Pitt. Maybe the mind has reached its quota for war films and is now starting to blur them all up together and just make one really long movie out of it. The War film that stands out was 'Saving Private Ryan' because it had a different plot to everything else. 'Eye In The Sky' is another example of a different war film but over the past month I have now seen three very similar war films and it's becoming really boring.
The cast helps to make it different but the plots are always so similar. This film is memorable in a boring kind of way because it has Brendan Gleeson in it. He's not a guy that I would normally expect to be playing a character with authority but he didn't look out of place for a second. He doesn't look like a really well built strong commander that has served for years and he probably hasn't but there was something in his voice that just said- 'I've got it covered' and made him authoritative and easy to relax around. This film was about him, not about Matt Damon- he was just his normal self with a gun, it was all about Brendan Gleeson and that is what made it different.
Green Zone is not a film that I would insist upon anyone watching. It's not bad but it's not exciting.
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