Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day stars Amy Adams (Sunshine Cleaning, Superman Man of Steel) and Frances McDormand (Almost Famous, Fargo). The film was sold on these two names, choosing to not highlight the participation of actors such as Ciaran Hinds (The Woman In Black, Munich), Mark Strong (Stardust, Robin Hood, Sherlock Holmes) and Shirley Henderson (Shakespeare retold, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Bridget Jones' Diary) who otherwise probably would have sold the film instantly. Released in 2008, did this film even reach anyone's ears? I know what I was doing in 2008 but what were you doing? Did the posters make it on to the side of the buses, did you see the adverts?
Two women who seem to be playing a game with men meet by chance. Miss Pettigrew (Frances McDormand) picks up the business card left on the desk (not intended for her) and goes off to the address written on it only to find that the Lady of the house is juggling many men whilst attempting to hide any hint of it from the man that she is living with. A gorgeous woman with a stunning voice eventually finds that she can't keep every man happy so one finds himself another blonde woman and the other two fight it out for her.
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