The spirit boasts a few names such as Samuel L Jackson, Scarlett Johansson and Eva Mendes and that is what helps to sell this film. Many have probably watched this film and decided that it I far too similar to Sin City for comfort and for that reason are less likely to like it but on this blog we believe in giving everything a chance, nk matter what the genre is or how well it has done in the past. Fooltheeye attempts to be as equal as possible, whilst drawing the line at porn, porn is not watched by the bloggers on this blog and will not be reviewed but apart from that we will watch most things including lesbian and gay films, horror, action, sci-fi, romance, romcoms, chick flicks, silent movies and black and white films/ classics. We don't read the reviews before selecting them, we randomly pick the films.
The Spirit shows Samuel L Jackson being a bad ass and doing what he does best- being evil and cool at the same time. We love him on this film blog and have probably said all that can be said about him. He is superb as the octopus, he is one of the best villains without an evil sounding voice I world cinema today.
The Spirit is enjoyable. I love it because of the way it was filmed, its intriguing and pleasant.
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