Like always, they take his daughter. Seems like a film can't just be an action film without the taking of a family member or by threatening in some way a family member. Like the heroic soldier that he is he has to get shot at multiple times before actually getting shot and suffer a horrendous injury. The bad guys are always pathetic cowards and provoke a lot of anger in you. These films are getting boring to write about,
Expect what you have seen in the previous three films and you wont be disappointed. Expect something different and you will be seriously disappointed. Die Hard 4.0 was challenging Taken or Taken challenged Die Hard to make another one. The competition is blatant to see but no one will ever beat Liam Neeson.
The excitement of this film is Justin Long. His character 'Matt' was a delight to watch. The relationship build up for the second half of the film between him and McClean's daughter was lovely to watch, especially as you knew that it would never get anywhere. Justin Long has potential and could make a decent career for himself if he decides to take on other slightly more challenging roles than this. Of course, the other possibility is that he will become like Shia Le Bouf...
Probably one of the best Die Hard films watched yet but I did miss the fantastic villains such as a Jeremy Irons or an Alan Rickman.
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